1. The Council has two classes of membership: (a) Regular Member and (b) Associate Member. Regular membership is open to businesses (sole proprietorships, partnerships or corporations which do business and are actively engaged in legislative and/or regulatory activity in multiple states, and for trade associations (organizations that represent the business community) which do business and are actively engaged in legislative and/or regulatory activity in multiple states. Associate Membership is open to any member who supports the mission of SGAC and provides services in multiple states to Regular Members. Associate Members are those organizations whose primary business services may include providing clients with public relations, legislative or regulatory representation, political management, or legislative and regulatory information reporting and analysis.
2. Such businesses or trade associations must have an established officer, employee or department comprised of employees whose function is to represent the company or organization of companies in state legislative, regulatory and public affairs matters.
3. Such businesses or trade associations and their individual employees and departments charged with representing them in state legislative, regulatory and public affairs shall subscribe to and adhere to fair and ethical practices in the conduct of its activities in legislative, regulatory and public affairs.
4. New members must be nominated by two present members and approved by a majority of the Board of Directors voting by ballot.
5. Members will be expected to regularly participate in SGAC meetings/functions/activities per year in order to maximize SGAC membership.
6. Members will be encouraged to serve actively on at least one SGAC committee.